Dream Careers Are Built, Not Found.


Hello, I'm Jeff. I help professionals transform work from "Just A Job" they loathe to "Dream Careers" they love.

Step into Your Dream Career

(in just 8 minutes a day)

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Stop Wasting Time.

Start Living Your Dreams!

Without the tools and strategy you need to advance your career, it’s going to cost you…


You will feel lost and stuck


Career growth is too slow


You'll have limited promotions


You will keep hoping for success


Continued being passed over


You never reach your dreams


Work Shouldn't  Suck!

The Career Boss™ System is the Only Thing You Need to Transition to Your Dream Job and Live With Purpose

Get Started Now

Three Steps to Your Dream Career

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3


Career Clarity

See clearly jobs that fuel your passion and deliver the results you value most. Identify your future dream job.


Career Staircase™

Build the path to your future dream job.  Avoid dead-end jobs and wasted steps. Chart the fastest path to your dream job.


Career Results

Climb your Career Staircase and get the results of a successful career that delivers everything you value most with the CareerBoss Map™.

Get Started Now

Take the Mystery Out of Dream Careers

(Takes only 8 Minutes a Day)

Three Steps to getting your Dream Career

(everything else is just noise)


(your Why)

Career Clarity

Build a Career Lens™ that enables you to see jobs that fuel your passion and deliver the results you value most. Identify your future dream job.

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(How to)

Career Staircase™

Build the path to your future dream job.  Avoid dead-end jobs and wasted steps. The fastest path to your dream job and getting back passion.

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(take Action)

Career Results

Climb your Career Staircase with speed and enjoy the results of a successful career that delivers everything you value most with the CareerBoss Map™

Learn More
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Each Course Takes the Mystery Out of Growing Your Career

You can sign up for all three or start with Clarity.

On-Demand Lessons


Live Q&A

Custom to You

How to Guarantee Success in Your Career

In this lesson, we will show the one thing you need to get clear on to guarantee success in your career.

Once you implement this tool, you will see your career accelerate and your goals and dream job will no longer be a dream rather an obtainable goal that you have the plan to reach.

How to Guarantee Success in Your Career

In this lesson, we will show the one thing you need to get clear on to guarantee success in your career.

Once you implement this tool, you will see your career accelerate and your goals and dream job will no longer be a dream rather an obtainable goal that you have the plan to reach.

On-Demand Lessons


Live Q&A

Custom to You

Don't Waste Anymore Time!

Career Success is as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Get Access - Sign Up

Sign up for the Career Courses or the CareerBoost Challenge to get access to the courses and build your Career Success Plan.

Master Career Skills

There are 3  stages to every successful career. Vision, Strategy, and Execution. We help you master them all.

Get Career Results

Getting what you want in your career isn't hard. You just need a guide. Sign up and feel confident your career will grow.

Get Started Now

About CareerBoss

Watch this two minute video to understand how you can get your Dream Job and experience passion and success at work in under 30 days.

Buy Now


It’s rare you get the chance to work with an executive like Jeff. Jeff helped me get on a path in alliances that has really put me in a great career position.

Jeff has made a difference in my life as a leader, mentor, and friend (I’ll always trust his restaurant reviews).

Hunter S.

I started an entry level position with a new company. After a couple of years I desired to move into a better position. I approached Jeff to discuss my career options. He gave great coaching… I ended up getting the promotion and a raise.

A couple of years later I reached out again for mentoring on suggesting a new role for me with my boss. Again Jeff had great insight and helped me be better prepared when I met with my boss and get the promotion.

Jeff not only gave me good advice but he also helped give me a lot of confidence… Jeff is one who really cared for my success & his mentorship is something that I am truly grateful for.

Nicco B.

It’s so incredibly rare to come across a leader as talented and genuine as Jeff. He is a true leader who inspires and instills confidence and by following his advice I have accelerated my career and avoided some huge pitfalls.

I would recommend anyone that has the chance to work Jeff to take advantage of their experience as it will be one that shapes and grows their career.

Dream Career Clarity Course


Top features

  • Clear vision to your success
  • Define your Why
  • Clarity on Purpose and Passion
  • MostFinder™ App
  • Careerl Lens™
  • Get More Career Book

Dream Career Clarity Course with Jeff



  • The Complete Career Success Plan
  • Clarity Clarity, Career Staircase™ and Career Results Courses
  • Create your CareerBoss Results Map™
  • Invest only in things that will give you recognition and returns
  • Secret to negotiating returns you value most
  • Drive your reviews and your career to get everything you want

Career Clarity Course for Teams


Starting at

  • Get promoted or a new job
  • Full assessment to find the fastest path to results
  • Group coaching for those ready to go all in
  • Focus on building your Career Success Plan and execution
  • Exclusive Coaching Sessions with Jeff
  • Learn how to fast track your career
  • Take the next step in your career
  • ONLY for people that are ready to get results NOW!